cstaub67, Valkyrie ----- ------ |...| |....+ |..@| #+....| #### # |..&+####|....+########-+------- ----- +$..| --+--- #|.......+######### |...| |...| #+.......| # |...| ----- ###|.......| ### |...| # --------- # |...| -+-+-- ### ##+...| |....| # |...| |....+#### ----- |.<..| |....| ------ Lev 1 Gp 150 Hp 9(16) Ep 1(1) Ac 6 Str 17 Exp 1/2 Your inventory Weapons a - a -1 long sword (weapon in hand). Armor b - a +3 shield (being worn). Comestibles c - 2 food rations. Latest messages You miss the imp. You hit the imp! You miss the imp. You hear some noises in the distance. 7 gold pieces. # What do you want to dip [abc or ?*]? Dip it in the fountain? [ny] The fountain dries up! # What do you want to dip [abc or ?*]? Dip it in the fountain? [ny] # What do you want to dip [abc or ?*]? Dip it in the fountain? [ny] A feeling of loss comes over you. # What do you want to dip [abc or ?*]? Dip it in the fountain? [ny] Your weapon rusts somewhat. # What do you want to dip [abc or ?*]? Dip it in the fountain? [ny] Your weapon rusts somewhat. # What do you want to dip [abc or ?*]? Dip it in the fountain? [ny] You have unleashed a water demon! The demon hits! (2x) You die ... cstaub67, Valkyrie Goodbye Valkyrie cstaub67... You died on dungeon level 1 with 193 points, and 150 pieces of gold, after 140 moves. killer: demon You were level 1 with a maximum of 16 hit points when you died.