cstaub67, Valkyrie --------------- +.............| |.@...........| |.G...........| |.............| +...<.........| -------+------- Lev 3 Gp 67 Hp 1(34) Ep 11(11) Ac 6 Str 17 Exp 4/44 Satiated Your inventory Weapons a - a blessed +1 long sword (weapon in hand). m - a partisan. Armor b - a +3 shield (being worn). Comestibles c - 2 food rations. p - a dead gnome. r - a tripe ration. Spellbooks l - a light green spellbook. Wands j - a long wand. q - a marble wand. Rings f - a granite ring. Potions d - an ebony potion. e - an emerald potion. Latest messages Unknown command ' '. c - a food ration. You hit the gnome. The gnome misses. You miss the gnome. The gnome misses. You destroy the gnome! p - a dead gnome. What do you want to wield [- m or ?*]? m - a partisan (weapon in hand). You don't have anything to use or apply. What do you want to wield [- a or ?*]? a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand). q - a marble wand. The hobgoblin hits! Valkyrie, your life force is running out. You destroy the hobgoblin! r - a tripe ration. The gnome hits! # pra: unknown command. # pra: unknown command. # pra: unknown command. # You feel the gods are pleased. Your long sword softly glows with a light blue aura. The gnome hits! You die ... cstaub67, Valkyrie Goodbye Valkyrie cstaub67... You died on dungeon level 3 with 397 points, and 67 pieces of gold, after 370 moves. killer: gnome You were level 4 with a maximum of 34 hit points when you died.