Kerio, Ninja ------------ |..........| ##+..........| # |..........| ##+..........| ##|..........| #`---------+-- -------- ## # |......+# ## # |......|# ## # # |......|### ## ### #####+......| # --------## # # |......| ### |......+## # ### -------- d |..<...|# --+-- # #@h |......+# |..)+######### -------- |...|########## |...| ----- Lev 1 Gp 4 Hp 2(28) Ep 5(5) Ac 7 Str 10 Exp 3/28 Your inventory Weapons a - a +0 katana (weapon in hand). b - 24 +0 shurikens. Armor c - a +1 leather armor (being worn). Comestibles d - a melon. Latest messages You hit the leprechaun! You hit the leprechaun. The leprechaun misses. You destroy the leprechaun! Welcome to experience level 2. Welcome to experience level 3. 4 gold pieces. e - a dead leprechaun. Long or short help? What do you want to eat [de or ?*]? You feel sick. You finished eating the dead leprechaun. Unknown command ' '. The homunculus misses. (2x) You hit the homunculus. You miss the homunculus. The homunculus hits! You miss the homunculus. The homunculus hits! You miss the homunculus. The homunculus hits! You are put to sleep by the homunculus's bite! The homunculus hits! (2x) The homunculus misses. The homunculus hits! (2x) You hear the howling of the CwnAnnwn... You can move again. You miss the homunculus. The homunculus hits! You die ... Kerio, Ninja Goodbye Ninja Kerio... You died on dungeon level 1 with 166 points, and 4 pieces of gold, after 120 moves. killer: homunculus You were level 3 with a maximum of 28 hit points when you died.