Kerio, Tourist ---------- |......d{| +.....h@.| |........| |.$......+ -------+-- Lev 1 Gp 219 Hp 1(10) Ep 1(1) Ac 10 Str 12 Exp 1/0 Your inventory Weapons e - 30 +2 darts (weapon in hand). Comestibles a - 9 food rations. b - 2 tripe rations. Potions c - 2 potions of extra healing. Tools d - an expensive camera. Latest messages Hello Kerio, welcome to NetHack! Unknown command ';'. You stop to avoid hitting your dog. Specify what? u a unicorn; More info? The little dog misses the homunculus. The homunculus hits! The little dog misses the homunculus. The homunculus hits! You are put to sleep by the homunculus's bite! The little dog misses the homunculus. The homunculus hits! The little dog misses the homunculus. The homunculus hits! You die ... Kerio, Tourist Goodbye Tourist Kerio... You died on dungeon level 1 with 50 points, and 219 pieces of gold, after 7 moves. killer: homunculus You were level 1 with a maximum of 10 hit points when you died.