Possessions: Weapons p - the blessed rustproof +1 Excalibur (weapon in hand) (w:40) s - a +0 long sword (wielded in other hand) (w:40) O - a blessed +1 orcish bow named !c (w:30) b - 23 poisoned +0 orcish arrows (w:23) Armor h - a blessed greased fireproof +1 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) (w:10) o - an uncursed +0 dwarvish iron helm (being worn) (w:40) z - an uncursed +0 dwarvish mithril-coat (being worn) (w:150) A - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) (w:10) R - an uncursed +0 pair of speed boots (being worn) (w:20) Comestibles r - an uncursed K-ration (w:10) Potions l - a cursed potion of full healing (w:20) q - an uncursed potion of object detection (w:20) Wands t - a wand of fire (0:0) (w:7) N - a wand of lightning (0:0) (w:7) v - a wand of polymorph (0:4) (w:7) Tools n - an uncursed bag of holding (w:388) P - an uncursed blindfold (w:2) k - an uncursed brass lantern (0:1405) (w:30) m - a blessed fireproof magic marker named blessed (0:0) (w:2) T - a fireproof magic marker named uncursed (0:31) (w:2) e - an uncursed skeleton key named q13 (w:3) u - a +0 unicorn horn (w:20) Gems M - an uncursed luckstone named 10 +3 (w:10) x - an uncursed worthless piece of yellowish brown glass (w:1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents of the bag of holding: a wand of wishing (1:2) an uncursed +0 set of white dragon scales an uncursed ring of polymorph control a cursed ring of aggravate monster a cursed ring of teleportation an uncursed ring of searching a cursed -3 ring of increase damage a cursed -2 ring of protection an uncursed +1 ring of gain constitution a cursed -1 ring of gain constitution an uncursed ring of fire resistance an uncursed potion of monster detection a cursed potion of booze an uncursed potion of gain level 2 potions of unholy water an uncursed potion of blindness a cursed potion of fruit juice an uncursed potion of restore ability an uncursed potion of gain energy an uncursed scroll of enchant armor 2 blessed scrolls of teleportation an uncursed scroll of teleportation an uncursed scroll of scare monster an uncursed scroll of remove curse a cursed scroll of remove curse an uncursed scroll of magic mapping a cursed scroll of magic mapping a cursed scroll of light 2 uncursed scrolls of light a cursed scroll of fire an uncursed scroll of fire 2 cursed scrolls of enchant weapon named c 2 blessed scrolls of enchant weapon an uncursed scroll of enchant weapon an uncursed scroll of earth a blessed scroll of create monster 2 blessed scrolls of charging named blessed an uncursed +3 small shield an uncursed worthless piece of yellowish brown glass an uncursed bugle an uncursed tripe ration an uncursed lizard corpse an uncursed K-ration 3 uncursed C-rations a +0 dwarvish mattock 6 uncursed food rations a wand of nothing (0:6) a wand of striking (0:1) a wand of cold (0:5) a wand of secret door detection (0:10) a wand of polymorph (0:5) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Final attributes: You were piously aligned. You were fire resistant. You were cold resistant. You were sleep resistant. You were poison resistant. You were level-drain resistant. You were magic-protected. You were blinded. You were telepathic. You had automatic searching. You had infravision. You were invisible. You were stealthy. You were very fast. You were wielding two weapons at once. You were extremely lucky. You had extra luck. Bad luck did not time out for you. Good luck did not time out for you. You survived after being killed once. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Vanquished creatures: Medusa a silver dragon 2 white dragons a green dragon a demilich a disenchanter a captain 2 liches 2 frost giants 2 black puddings 2 vampires 5 lieutenants 3 giant mimics an ogre king an ice troll 2 rock trolls 2 stalkers 2 xorns 4 sergeants 3 small mimics a xan 2 ettin mummies an ogre lord a quantum mechanic 3 trolls a sasquatch 4 sharks a gelatinous cube a shocking sphere a large cat a gargoyle a dwarf king 2 energy vortices a stone giant 3 human mummies 4 red nagas an ettin zombie a leather golem 36 soldiers an incubus a chameleon 2 crocodiles 2 giant beetles a quivering blob a cockatrice 6 wolves a gremlin a leprechaun an iron piercer a mumak 5 giant spiders a forest centaur an orc mummy 2 dwarf mummies an ogre 2 rust monsters an owlbear a gold golem a werewolf 3 giant eels 2 lizards 3 chickatrices a dingo 4 jaguars a gray unicorn 2 black unicorns a dust vortex 3 plains centaurs 2 gnome mummies 2 snakes 4 apes 4 human zombies 3 rope golems 2 Woodland-elves 4 soldier ants 3 bugbears an imp a quasit 2 water nymphs a mountain nymph 6 Uruk-hai an orc shaman 4 rock moles 2 ponies 2 fog clouds 5 yellow lights a gnome lord 3 kobold mummies a black naga hatchling a golden naga hatchling a gray ooze 2 barrow wights 4 elf zombies 2 ghouls 3 straw golems 3 paper golems 9 giant ants 4 floating eyes 2 kittens 3 dwarves a kobold lord 2 kobold shamans 16 hill orcs 2 rothes 2 rabid rats a centipede 2 giant bats 7 monkeys 2 orc zombies 2 dwarf zombies a wererat 2 werejackals 5 iguanas 3 acid blobs 2 gas spores a hobbit a large kobold 9 hobgoblins a cave spider 8 gnomes 10 garter snakes a gecko 9 jackals a fox a kobold a sewer rat 8 grid bugs 3 bats 5 lichens 3 kobold zombies 7 newts 365 creatures vanquished. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Voluntary challenges: You were an atheist. You used a wielded weapon 568 times. You wrote or read 20 times. You drew a magic heptagram 229 times. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used 4 wishes. You did not wish for any artifacts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Score breakdown: Gold: 1629 (10671 points) Experience: 13 levels (19298 points) Exploration: 28 levels ( 53.85%) (21828 points) Discoveries: 39 items ( 15.92%) (11969 points) Valuables value: (no points given unless you survive) Artifact value: 4000 (11966 points) Variety of kills: 131 monsters ( 34.29%) (17568 points) Time penalty: 8730 turns (-2125 points) Survival: died (score multiplied by 80%) Total score: 72940 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Farvel Ykstort the Valkyrie... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 28 with 72940 points, and 1629 pieces of gold, after 8730 moves. You were level 13 with a maximum of 118 hit points when you died.