Possessions: Weapons u - a +0 dagger named q (w:10) a - the blessed rustproof +1 Excalibur (weapon in hand) (w:40) Armor w - an uncursed +0 chain mail (being worn) (w:300) J - a blessed +2 dwarvish cloak (being worn) (w:10) l - an uncursed rusty +0 dwarvish iron helm (being worn) (w:40) i - an uncursed +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn) (w:50) Comestibles m - an uncursed foo (w:5) P - an uncursed food ration (w:20) s - an uncursed food ration (w:20) L - an uncursed lizard corpse (w:10) F - an uncursed pancake (w:2) e - an uncursed tripe ration (w:10) Scrolls f - an uncursed scroll of enchant weapon (w:5) v - a cursed scroll of teleportation (w:5) Wands X - a wand of cancellation (0:5) (w:7) O - a wand of digging (0:6) (w:7) Tools n - an uncursed bag of holding (w:317) x - a +0 pick-axe named !c (w:100) p - an uncursed tin opener (w:4) t - an uncursed towel (w:2) Gems B - 4 uncursed jade stones (w:4) k - an uncursed jasper stone (w:1) o - an uncursed obsidian stone (w:1) y - an uncursed worthless piece of green glass (w:1) q - 2 uncursed worthless pieces of orange glass (w:2) j - an uncursed worthless piece of red glass (w:1) h - 2 uncursed worthless pieces of violet glass (w:2) Z - an uncursed worthless piece of white glass (w:1) I - 3 uncursed worthless pieces of yellow glass (w:3) C - 3 uncursed worthless pieces of yellowish brown glass (w:3) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents of the bag of holding: an uncursed potion of monster detection a potion of holy water 7687 gold pieces an uncursed ring of warning an uncursed potion of paralysis an uncursed potion of levitation a cursed scroll of magic mapping an uncursed potion of gain ability an uncursed potion of see invisible an uncursed scroll of fire an uncursed potion of object detection an uncursed thoroughly rusty -1 helm of opposite alignment 2 uncursed tripe rations 3 uncursed food rations a wand of fire (0:4) 2 uncursed scrolls of earth a cursed potion of gain energy an uncursed potion of gain ability an uncursed scroll of blank paper an uncursed scroll of identify an uncursed scroll of charging 7 uncursed tallow candles (0:200) a wand of speed monster (0:2) 3 uncursed food rations 2 uncursed eggs an uncursed +0 mummy wrapping 2 uncursed potions of healing a cursed potion of blindness a blessed potion of hallucination an uncursed scroll of enchant armor ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Final attributes: You were piously aligned. You were fire resistant. You were cold resistant. You were level-drain resistant. You had automatic searching. You had infravision. You were stealthy. You were fast. You survived after being killed once. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Vanquished creatures: a titanothere a baby white dragon a zruty a fire giant 2 ogre kings 2 Elvenkings 2 long worms a stalker an earth elemental a water elemental 2 hill giants a giant mummy an elf-lord a warhorse an electric eel a pyrolisk a flaming sphere a shocking sphere an ochre jelly a cobra an ettin zombie 3 soldiers a succubus a giant beetle a quivering blob a gremlin 4 giant spiders a black light a dwarf mummy a rust monster 2 owlbears a yeti a werewolf 3 piranhas 2 giant eels a lizard a chickatrice a dwarf lord a dust vortex 2 snakes 3 water moccasins an ape a human zombie 13 fire ants a bugbear a quasit a wood nymph a water nymph 3 Uruk-hai a rock piercer a rock mole a shrieker 2 gnome lords a kobold mummy a black naga hatchling 2 guardian naga hatchlings a gray ooze 5 elf zombies 2 straw golems 3 giant ants a floating eye 3 dwarves 2 rothes a giant bat a monkey 6 orc zombies a dwarf zombie a wererat 8 killer bees 3 coyotes a gas spore a hobbit a large kobold 5 hobgoblins 3 brown molds a green mold a red mold 15 gnomes a gnome zombie 3 geckos 10 jackals a fox 2 kobolds 9 grid bugs 2 bats 5 lichens 2 kobold zombies 5 newts 194 creatures vanquished. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Voluntary challenges: You used a wielded weapon 319 times. You wrote or read 6 times. You drew a magic heptagram 1726 times. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You changed form 1 time. You used no wishes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Score breakdown: Gold: 7863 (12941 points) Experience: 11 levels (17617 points) Exploration: 26 levels ( 52.00%) (21429 points) Discoveries: 13 items ( 5.31%) ( 6911 points) Valuables value: (no points given unless you survive) Artifact value: 4000 (11966 points) Variety of kills: 88 monsters ( 23.04%) (14399 points) Time penalty: 7444 turns (-1896 points) Survival: died (score multiplied by 80%) Total score: 66693 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Farvel Ykstort the Valkyrie... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 26 with 66693 points, and 7863 pieces of gold, after 7444 moves. You were level 11 with a maximum of 131 hit points when you died.