1476730289 tourn: impossible bad monster weapon restore 1476730289 tourn: impossible dmonsfree: 1 removed doesn't match 2 pending 1477301893 Elvis: impossible end_burn: obj dimly-shining potion not timed! 1477301893 Elvis: impossible end_burn: obj dimly-shining potion not timed! 1478521272 Savojin: impossible dmonsfree: 3 removed doesn't match 4 pending 1478576272 Elvis: impossible dmonsfree: 5 removed doesn't match 6 pending 0 NinjaNick95: impossible bad monster weapon restore 0 NinjaNick95: impossible bad monster weapon restore 1478609322 Elvis: impossible dmonsfree: 1 removed doesn't match 2 pending 1480252009 Elvis: impossible end_burn: obj potion of starlight not timed! 1480252009 Elvis: impossible end_burn: obj potion of starlight not timed!