monkhack, neutral male human Monk 21 1 ------ ---- .....| |@@......... |f@........| |..........| |.......---- --------- monkhack the Student of Stones Experience level: 10 Strength: 18/07 Dexterity: 13 Constitution: 16 Intelligence: 11 Wisdom: 14 Charisma: 12 Health: 0(59) Energy: 48(48) Def: 6 Gold: 73 Moves: 11547 Dungeon seed: hk3ODehQq5oFxv0G Game ID: monkhack_1464285028 Your Inventory: Coins $ - 73 gold pieces Amulets c - an uncursed amulet of reflection (being worn) Weapons x - 22 uncursed +0 shuriken (in quiver) Armor e - an uncursed +2 pair of leather gloves (being worn) q - an uncursed +0 robe (being worn) r - an uncursed +0 pair of speed boots (being worn) z - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves N - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves Comestibles C - 3 uncursed lizard corpses W - 3 uncursed K-rations X - 3 uncursed C-rations Wands h - a cursed wand of cancellation (0:0) n - a blessed wand of digging (0:2) y - an uncursed wand of slow monster (0:4) G - an uncursed wand of fire (0:7) I - an uncursed wand of make invisible (0:3) K - an uncursed wand of magic missile (0:5) Y - an uncursed wand of cold (0:4) Tools k - an uncursed skeleton key s - an uncursed +0 unicorn horn v - an uncursed magic lamp (lit) w - an uncursed magic whistle B - an uncursed bag of holding U - an uncursed sack V - an uncursed mirror Contents of the bag of holding: 9933 gold pieces 4 uncursed +0 daggers 12 uncursed +0 shuriken a blessed rusty +0 dwarvish iron helm an uncursed +2 elven shield an uncursed +0 helm of brilliance an uncursed C-ration 6 uncursed apples an uncursed candy bar an uncursed carrot 4 uncursed cherries 2 uncursed cloves of garlic 2 uncursed cream pies 14 uncursed food rations 4 uncursed fortune cookies an uncursed lizard corpse 6 uncursed oranges 3 uncursed tripe rations an uncursed scroll of light a cursed scroll of remove curse an uncursed scroll of teleportation an uncursed potion of object detection an uncursed potion of restore ability an uncursed potion of see invisible an uncursed potion of sickness an uncursed ring of fire resistance an uncursed +0 ring of gain strength an uncursed ring of levitation an uncursed ring of polymorph control an uncursed ring of shock resistance an uncursed ring of teleport control an uncursed wand of cold (0:4) an uncursed wand of cold (0:0) an uncursed wand of enlightenment (0:7) an uncursed wand of light (0:13) an uncursed wand of light (0:13) an uncursed wand of lightning (0:7) an uncursed wand of lightning (0:5) an uncursed wand of lightning (0:4) an uncursed wand of slow monster (0:8) an uncursed wand of slow monster (0:6) an uncursed wand of striking (0:7) an uncursed can of grease (0:23) an uncursed oil lamp (0:1492) an uncursed oil lamp (0:1385) an uncursed +0 pick-axe an uncursed skeleton key an uncursed +0 unicorn horn an uncursed citrine stone an uncursed worthless piece of black glass an uncursed worthless piece of green glass 2 uncursed worthless pieces of violet glass Spells and supernatural/magical abilities: Name Level Category Fail Memory z - sleep 1 enchantment 0% 43% W - pray for help -- divine ? -- Your skills at the end: Miscellaneous Skills martial arts [Master] wands [Basic] Weapon Skills shuriken [Basic] Spellcasting Skills healing spells [Basic] Final Attributes: You were devoutly aligned. You were fire resistant. You were sleep resistant. You were poison resistant. You saw invisible. You were warned. You had automatic searching. You were stealthy. You were very fast. You had reflection. You are dead. Vanquished creatures: 2 ghosts 4 giant mimics a sergeant a warg 2 small mimics a xan 3 freezing spheres a tiger a gargoyle a gelatinous cube an ochre jelly a chameleon a crocodile an energy vortex a human mummy 2 Grey-elves 7 soldiers a giant beetle a cockatrice 8 winter wolf cubs a panther 3 leprechauns a quivering blob a spotted jelly 5 lizards 2 iron piercers an ice vortex 3 gnome kings an orc mummy 4 ogres 3 rust monsters a gold golem 3 chickatrices 3 dingos a housecat 2 dwarf lords 4 blue jellies a water nymph a white unicorn a black unicorn 3 dust vortices 2 ravens 2 plains centaurs an ape a rope golem a soldier ant 2 fire ants 2 bugbears 2 imps a quasit a wood nymph 5 Uruk-hai an orc shaman 3 rock moles 2 rock piercers 2 ponies a fog cloud a yellow light a shrieker a violet fungus 8 gnome lords 4 gnomish wizards a kobold mummy 3 gray oozes a barrow wight 3 elf zombies 2 straw golems a paper golem 9 giant ants 2 floating eyes a kitten 15 dwarves a homunculus 4 kobold lords 3 kobold shamans 7 iguanas 11 hill orcs 7 rothes 2 rabid rats 6 giant bats a monkey an orc zombie 5 dwarf zombies a wererat a werejackal 2 killer bees 2 coyotes 3 hobbits 2 large kobolds 7 geckos 2 hobgoblins 12 giant rats 6 cave spiders 4 yellow molds a green mold a red mold 31 gnomes a gnome zombie 17 jackals 2 foxes 2 kobolds 9 newts 4 goblins 5 sewer rats 12 grid bugs 3 lichens a kobold zombie 347 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges: You were vegetarian. You never hit with a wielded weapon. You read items or engraved 4 times, starting on turn 7914. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You changed form 1 time, starting on turn 4233. You completed Sokoban on turn 7012, according to the rules. You used no wishes. You never split a pudding. You wrote Elbereth's name 4 times, starting on turn 7914. You never violated your personal moral code. Dungeon overview: The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 16 Level 1 a sink a long staircase Level 2 a general store, a fountain stairs to The Gnomish Mines Level 3 a fountain Level 4 a wand shop, a fountain Level 5 (vault) a fountain Level 6 a fountain Level 7 (stash) an altar to Chih Sung-tzu Level 8 an altar to Chih Sung-tzu, a fountain, a sink Level 9 many fountains Level 10 stairs to Sokoban Level 11 a fountain Level 12 an altar to Huan Ti, a sink Level 13 (big room) Level 14 Level 15 portal to The Quest Level 16 <- You were here The Gnomish Mines: levels 3 to 6 Level 3 stairs to The Dungeons of Doom Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 many shops, a temple to Chih Sung-tzu, a magic chest, some fountains The Quest: Level 1 portal to The Dungeons of Doom Sokoban: levels 6 to 9 Level 6 a magic chest Level 7 a sink Level 8 Level 9 a magic chest stairs to The Dungeons of Doom History has recorded: On T:1 you entered the Dungeons of Doom to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor! On T:19 you reached level 2 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:262 you advanced to experience level 2. On T:338 you reached level 3 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:490 you reached level 1 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:508 you advanced to experience level 3. On T:651 you advanced to experience level 4. On T:1003 you reached level 2 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:1009 you advanced to experience level 5. On T:1524 you reached level 3 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:1538 you advanced to experience level 6. On T:1576 you reached level 4 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:1719 you entered the Minetown temple On T:1746 you opened a magic chest. On T:1746 you opened a magic chest. On T:1746 you opened a magic chest. On T:1816 you opened a magic chest. On T:1817 you opened a magic chest. On T:1896 you advanced to experience level 7. On T:2014 you opened a magic chest. On T:2015 you opened a magic chest. On T:2182 you opened a magic chest. On T:2356 you opened a magic chest. On T:2359 you opened a magic chest. On T:2359 you opened a magic chest. On T:2359 you opened a magic chest. On T:2427 you opened a magic chest. On T:2436 you opened a magic chest. On T:2441 you opened a magic chest. On T:2442 you opened a magic chest. On T:2920 you reached level 4 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:3109 you reached level 5 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:3637 you reached level 6 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:3642 you reached level 7 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:3867 you advanced to experience level 8. On T:4224 you reached level 8 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:4441 you reached level 9 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:4777 you reached level 10 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:4879 you reached level 11 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:5145 you reached level 4 of Sokoban. On T:5239 you opened a magic chest. On T:5240 you opened a magic chest. On T:5240 you opened a magic chest. On T:5389 you reached level 3 of Sokoban. On T:5882 you reached level 2 of Sokoban. On T:6330 you reached level 1 of Sokoban. On T:6549 you advanced to experience level 9. On T:7012 you advanced to experience level 10. On T:7012 you entered the Sokoban zoo. On T:7080 you opened a magic chest. On T:7271 you opened a magic chest. On T:7380 you reached level 12 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:7423 you reached level 13 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:8077 you opened a magic chest. On T:8078 you opened a magic chest. On T:8587 you opened a magic chest. On T:8606 you opened a magic chest. On T:8628 you opened a magic chest. On T:8630 you opened a magic chest. On T:9668 you opened a magic chest. On T:9668 you opened a magic chest. On T:9669 you opened a magic chest. On T:9686 you opened a magic chest. On T:9686 you opened a magic chest. On T:9725 you opened a magic chest. On T:9726 you opened a magic chest. On T:9727 you opened a magic chest. On T:9729 you opened a magic chest. On T:9930 you opened a magic chest. On T:9938 you opened a magic chest. On T:9939 you opened a magic chest. On T:9941 you opened a magic chest. On T:9941 you opened a magic chest. On T:9945 you opened a magic chest. On T:9945 you opened a magic chest. On T:9950 you opened a magic chest. On T:9950 you opened a magic chest. On T:9961 you opened a magic chest. On T:9966 you opened a magic chest. On T:9968 you opened a magic chest. On T:9968 you opened a magic chest. On T:9969 you opened a magic chest. On T:9971 you opened a magic chest. On T:9972 you opened a magic chest. On T:10087 you opened a magic chest. On T:11306 you reached level 14 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:11473 you reached level 15 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:11495 you reached level 1 of The Quest. On T:11547 you reached level 16 of The Dungeons of Doom. Score breakdown: Gold: 10006 ( 1000 points) Experience: 10 levels ( 900 points) Exploration: 16 levels ( 450 points) Discoveries: 26 items ( 1300 points) Variety of kills: 107 monsters ( 2000 points) Major goal: finished Sokoban ( 1000 points) Survival: died (score multiplied by 3) Total score: 19950 Latest messages: You put a yellow gem into the bag called holding. Your movements are now unencumbered. You dig a hole through the floor. You fall through... The sergeant swings her mace. The sergeant hits you! You die... The sack is empty. The sack is empty. Final status: Goodbye monkhack the Monk, killed by a sergeant... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 16 with 19950 points, and 10006 pieces of gold, after 11547 moves. You were level 10 with a maximum of 59 hit points when you died.