slyhack, chaotic female human Rogue # ---------- ------------- ----------+--- |..{.....| #-.<(........| |..........[.| |.........#####|...........| ------ |.......f[.Y..### ##-........| --.---------- |....| |....>...*@..|### # |........| ####### # .....| |.........)..+ ############ -------+-- # # |....| |............| ########### ##### `####.....| ---.---------- ### # # ------ # # ### ### ### # # # ### # ###### # # ------------.- ### # |............| # # # |.......(.%.[| -.---+---|-# |......\....%| |.........|# -------------- |...<.[...-# |*........| ----------- slyhack the Rogue Experience level: 7 Strength: 17 Dexterity: 18 Constitution: 16 Intelligence: 9 Wisdom: 9 Charisma: 11 Health: 0(46) Energy: 37(37) Def: 4 Gold: 0 Moves: 6899 Dungeon seed: M09vdLO2TGmkfCrR Game ID: slyhack_1476564093 Your Inventory: Weapons a - an uncursed +0 silver dagger (weapon in hand) b - 9 uncursed +0 daggers (in quiver) v - 2 uncursed +0 daggers Armor e - an uncursed +1 leather armor (being worn) n - an uncursed +0 dwarvish cloak (being worn) q - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) Scrolls H - an uncursed scroll of earth J - an uncursed scroll of food detection Potions G - a blessed potion of full healing Wands I - an uncursed wand of fire (0:3) S - an uncursed wand of slow monster (0:5) Tools k - an uncursed lock pick B - an uncursed bag of holding F - an uncursed tallow candle (0:200) Contents of the bag of holding: 2671 gold pieces an uncursed +0 dwarvish mattock named noncursed an uncursed apple 2 uncursed cherries an uncursed cram ration 5 uncursed eggs 5 uncursed food rations an uncursed lembas wafer 3 uncursed tripe rations 2 uncursed scrolls of blank paper an uncursed scroll of confuse monster an uncursed scroll of destroy armor a blessed scroll of earth an uncursed scroll of earth a blessed scroll of identify an uncursed scroll of identify 2 uncursed scrolls of light an uncursed scroll of remove curse an uncursed scroll of teleportation a blessed potion of extra healing an uncursed potion of extra healing an uncursed potion of object detection an uncursed potion of see invisible 2 uncursed potions of sickness an uncursed potion of water a blessed +1 ring of gain constitution a cursed ring of hunger an uncursed ring of shock resistance an uncursed ring of stealth an uncursed wand of cold (0:6) an uncursed wand of striking (0:5) an uncursed sack 3 blessed wax candles (0:400) 2 uncursed opals an uncursed worthless piece of orange glass an uncursed worthless piece of red glass Spells and supernatural/magical abilities: Name Level Category Fail Memory W - pray for help -- divine ? -- Your skills at the end: Fighting Skills Weapon Skills dagger [Skilled] short sword [Basic] Spellcasting Skills Final Attributes: You were piously aligned. You were stealthy. You were lucky. You are dead. Vanquished creatures: 2 giant mimics a leprechaun a bugbear a water nymph 2 rock moles 3 ponies a yellow light 2 violet fungi a gnomish wizard a guardian naga hatchling a gray ooze an elf zombie a straw golem a paper golem a baby crocodile a giant ant a little dog a kitten a dwarf 5 hill orcs 12 rothes a rabid rat 2 monkeys an orc zombie a wererat an iguana an acid blob 3 gas spores 2 hobbits 2 manes 4 large kobolds a hobgoblin 2 giant rats 2 cave spiders 5 brown molds 3 yellow molds a green mold a red mold 4 gnomes 2 gnome zombies 4 geckos 7 jackals 3 foxes 2 kobolds a goblin 5 sewer rats 14 grid bugs 2 bats 6 lichens a kobold zombie 8 newts 133 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges: You used a wielded weapon 112 times, starting on turn 45. You read items or engraved 1 time, starting on turn 3021. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. You never split a pudding. You wrote Elbereth's name 1 time, starting on turn 3021. You never violated your personal moral code. Dungeon overview: The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 8 Level 1 a fountain, a sink a long staircase Level 2 a fountain stairs to The Gnomish Mines Level 3 an altar to Issek Level 4 a fountain, a sink Level 5 a fountain Level 6 many fountains Level 7 <- You were here a fountain, a throne stairs to Sokoban Level 8 The Gnomish Mines: Level 3 stairs to The Dungeons of Doom Sokoban: levels 3 to 6 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 stairs to The Dungeons of Doom History has recorded: On T:1 you entered the Dungeons of Doom to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor! On T:539 you reached level 2 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:594 you reached level 3 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:859 you reached level 1 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:885 you advanced to experience level 2. On T:1322 you reached level 4 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:1481 you reached level 5 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:1822 you reached level 6 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:1938 you advanced to experience level 3. On T:2360 you advanced to experience level 4. On T:2405 you reached level 7 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:2460 you reached level 4 of Sokoban. On T:2821 you reached level 3 of Sokoban. On T:3565 you advanced to experience level 5. On T:3586 you reached level 2 of Sokoban. On T:4181 you reached level 1 of Sokoban. On T:4816 you advanced to experience level 6. On T:6061 you advanced to experience level 7. On T:6498 you reached level 8 of The Dungeons of Doom. Score breakdown: Gold: 2671 (11656 points) Experience: 7 levels (13645 points) Exploration: 8 levels ( 16.67%) (11577 points) Discoveries: 6 items ( 2.01%) ( 4256 points) Valuables value: (no points given unless you survive) Artifact value: 0 ( 0 points) Variety of kills: 51 monsters ( 13.39%) (10975 points) Turncount: 6899 turns (-1830 points) Survival: died (score multiplied by 80%) Total score: 40223 Latest messages: The rothe bites! (2x) The rothe hits! The rothe bites! (2x) You stop searching. Shere-Khan misses the hill orc. The dagger hits the hill orc. Shere-Khan bites the hill orc. The hill orc misses Shere-Khan. Shere-Khan bites the hill orc. The hill orc is killed! You hear the splashing of a naiad. b - an uncursed +0 dagger (in quiver). There are a few more objects here. You throw 2 daggers. The 1st dagger hits the owlbear! The 2nd dagger hits the owlbear! The owlbear hits! (2x) You die... The sack is empty. The sack is empty. Final status: Goodbye slyhack the Rogue, killed by an owlbear... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 7 with 40223 points, and 2671 pieces of gold, after 6899 moves. You were level 7 with a maximum of 46 hit points when you died.