Cool Beans, neutral female human Healer -- -- --- |..---.--.--- |..@|........ ---.G........ |.sG....... ---..-.... |.. ... Cool Beans the Embalmer Experience level: 7 Strength: 12 Dexterity: 11 Constitution: 15 Intelligence: 10 Wisdom: 15 Charisma: 16 Health: 0(58) Energy: 52(60) Def: 9 Gold: 66 Moves: 5194 Dungeon seed: Eo-arc8-7tHNAv-H Game ID: Cool Beans_1516205832 Your Inventory: Coins $ - 66 gold pieces Weapons a - an uncursed +0 scalpel I - an uncursed +1 aklys (weapon in hand) Armor e - an uncursed rotted +1 pair of leather gloves (being worn) q - a cursed rotted -1 elven leather helm (being worn) N - an uncursed very rotted +0 elven cloak (being worn) Y - an uncursed +0 pair of iron shoes of drain resistance (being worn) Comestibles k - 6 blessed eucalyptus leaves Q - an uncursed cram ration Spellbooks h - a blessed spellbook of extra healing i - a blessed spellbook of stone to flesh Potions c - 4 uncursed potions of healing d - 4 uncursed potions of extra healing m - an uncursed potion of gain energy u - an uncursed potion of speed K - an uncursed potion of object detection M - a blessed potion of sickness Rings t - an uncursed ring of protection from shape changers P - an uncursed ring of poison immunity Wands f - an uncursed wand of sleep (0:0) Tools b - an uncursed stethoscope o - an uncursed can of grease (0:7) E - an uncursed bag of tricks (0:0) G - an uncursed tin opener J - an uncursed lock pick R - an uncursed skeleton key S - an uncursed magic whistle T - an uncursed magic lamp (lit) U - an uncursed towel Gems n - an uncursed aquamarine stone r - 2 uncursed jasper stones s - an uncursed opal y - 2 uncursed worthless pieces of blue glass z - 2 uncursed worthless pieces of black glass B - 3 uncursed worthless pieces of green glass D - an uncursed agate stone F - an uncursed worthless piece of red glass H - an uncursed worthless piece of white glass O - 2 uncursed worthless pieces of orange glass Z - 2 uncursed worthless pieces of yellowish brown glass Spells and supernatural/magical abilities: Spells marked with '*' are forgotten. Spells marked with '!' are maintained. Spells marked with '#' are aliased with 'castalias'. Name Level Category Fail Memory h - healing 1 healing 0% 92% m - magic missile 2 attack 76% 93% p - protection 1 clerical 3% 98% W - pray for help -- divine ? -- Your skills at the end: Fighting Skills wands [Basic] Weapon Skills knife [Basic] club [Skilled] Spellcasting Skills healing spells [Basic] Final Attributes: You were immune to poison. You were level-drain resistant. You were stealthy. You were protected. You last prayed 3367 turns ago. You are dead. Vanquished creatures: a small mimic a giant spider a gnome king 7 brown puddings a dingo a snake a bugbear a wood nymph a mountain nymph 2 orc shamans a rock piercer a pony 2 shriekers 9 gnome lords 3 gnomish wizards a red naga hatchling 2 guardian naga hatchlings a baby crocodile a little dog 12 dwarves a kobold lord a kobold shaman 3 rothes 3 rabid rats a centipede 2 giant bats a monkey 3 dwarf zombies an iguana 7 hobbits 6 manes a hobgoblin 2 giant rats 2 cave spiders a yellow mold a red mold 37 gnomes 5 garter snakes a gnome zombie 2 geckos a jackal a fox a kobold 3 goblins 10 grid bugs 2 bats 3 lichens 9 newts 161 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges: You had followed a strict vegan diet until turn 2999. You had followed a strict vegetarian diet until turn 2999. You used a wielded weapon 186 times, starting on turn 624. You read items or engraved 11 times, starting on turn 154. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. You split 6 puddings, starting on turn 4528. You never wrote Elbereth's name. You never violated your personal moral code. Dungeon overview: The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 4 Level 1 a vault a long staircase Level 2 a general store, an altar to Hermes, some fountains Level 3 a scroll shop, a fountain, a vault Level 4 some fountains stairs to The Gnomish Mines The Gnomish Mines: levels 5 to 11 Level 5 stairs to The Dungeons of Doom Level 6 Level 7 many shops, a temple to Athena, some fountains Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 Level 11 <- You were here History has recorded: On T:1 you entered the Dungeons of Doom to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor! On T:362 you reached level 2 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:711 you reached level 3 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:869 you reached level 4 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:1364 you reached level 1 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:1564 you reached level 2 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:1666 you reached level 3 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:1947 you advanced to experience level 2. On T:3091 you advanced to experience level 3. On T:3384 you advanced to experience level 4. On T:3585 you reached level 4 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:3704 you advanced to experience level 5. On T:4510 you advanced to experience level 6. On T:4606 you reached level 5 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:4796 you advanced to experience level 7. On T:5120 you reached level 6 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:5172 you reached level 7 of The Gnomish Mines. Score breakdown: Gold: 0 ( 0 points) Experience: 7 levels (13645 points) Exploration: 11 levels ( 21.57%) (13416 points) Discoveries: 13 items ( 4.41%) ( 6297 points) Valuables value: (no points given unless you survive) Artifact value: 0 ( 0 points) Variety of kills: 48 monsters ( 12.63%) (10662 points) Turncount: 5194 turns (-1410 points) Survival: died (score multiplied by 80%) Total score: 34088 Latest messages: You hit the giant spider. The gnome queen swings her thonged club at you. The gnome queen hits! The giant spider bites! You feel better. The giant spider bites! The giant spider misses. You feel better. The gnome queen swings her thonged club at you. The gnome queen hits! The giant spider misses. You hit the giant spider. The gnome queen swings her thonged club at you. The gnome queen hits! The giant spider bites! (2x) The gnome queen swings her thonged club at you. The gnome queen hits! You die... Final status: Goodbye Cool Beans the Healer, killed by a gnome queen... You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 11 with 34088 points, and 66 pieces of gold, after 5194 moves. You were level 7 with a maximum of 58 hit points when you died.