DarthBane, chaotic male elven Nobleman -------------- #..............########## --------------- #|....).......| |.........[...| #|....).......|############-.............| #-.---)--------# |.............-#### ### )######### ---.-.--------- # ------------ ### # # ## # ### |........>.| # ### ### # # |..........| ----- # ##)######## * # ##...........| |?..| -----### --.|...-- # |..........| |...| |b..|# |........############################## |..........| |(.+| |..*h# ` ........| --*|-- |..........| |?..| |.b)|#**`###........**********.e..e ------------ |%".| #.)@..[#**###.s.......########e.e..j*********** |?).+######|..*@#[***#**........* *>...| * ----- |..<| --------- ------ ----- [DarthBane the Kano] St:18 Dx:14 Co:16 In:15 Wi:11 Ch:11 Chaotic S:35539 Dlvl:2 $:117 HP:73(73) Pw:57(57) AC:1 Xp:10/9701 T:18647 Your inventory Weapons a - the blessed fireproof +0 Rod of the Elvish Lords (elven spear) (weapon in hand) Armor N - a blessed +0 dwarvish iron helm (being worn) O - an uncursed +0 dwarvish roundshield d - a blessed +1 elven cloak (being worn) c - a blessed +2 elven toga (being worn) j - a blessed +0 Hawaiian shirt (being worn) o - a blessed +0 pair of jumping boots (being worn) Comestibles g - an uncursed food ration J - an uncursed lizard corpse Potions D - 3 uncursed potions of booze b - an uncursed potion of booze G - an uncursed potion of full healing r - an uncursed potion of object detection Rings e - a blessed ring of slow digestion Wands A - an uncursed wand of magic missile (0:1) Tools p - an uncursed blindfold S - an uncursed magic marker (0:62) k - an uncursed skeleton key h - an uncursed +0 unicorn horn f - an uncursed +0 unicorn horn Gems L - a blessed luckstone Final attributes You last prayed 296 turns ago That prayer was well recieved You were piously aligned Your alignment was 103 You carried 0 sins You had a hod wantedness of 0 You had a gevurah wantedness of 0 You had a chokhmah wantedness of 0 You had 0 weakness from being studied You were sleep resistant You saw invisible You had a carrying capacity of 492 remaining You had 900 points of nutrition remaining You were stealthy You could jump You were extremely lucky (13) You had extra luck Good luck did not time out for you You survived You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures 2 small mimics 2 freezing spheres a flaming sphere 2 shocking spheres a wraith (2 created) 3 quivering blobs a wolf a lynx a leprechaun (4 created) 2 iron piercers a giant spider a gnome king (3 created) an orc mummy 2 brown puddings a drow zombie a werewolf a lizard 3 dogs 2 dingos (3 created) a jaguar 2 dwarf lords (1 created) 3 white unicorns a dust vortex 8 crows a plains centaur 2 gnome mummies 2 snakes 2 apes 3 human zombies 2 rope golems a Woodland-elf (2 created) a garo a soldier ant 2 imps 4 dryads (5 created) 8 Mordor orcs 5 Uruk-hai 3 rock piercers (5 created) 5 enormous rats (10 created) 6 rock moles 3 ponies (4 created) a fog cloud 5 yellow lights a shrieker (2 created) 4 violet fungi (3 created) 19 gnome lords (22 created) a tinker gnome 6 gnomish wizards (7 created) 2 kobold mummies 2 gray oozes (3 created) a ghoul a paper golem 4 giant ants 2 little dogs 4 floating eyes (7 created) 8 dutons (4 created) 20 dwarves (27 created) 2 hill orcs 11 rothes 2 rabid rats (3 created) a giant bat 3 parrots 5 monkeys a dwarf zombie a wererat 3 werejackals 5 iguanas 4 killer bees (9 created) 5 coyotes 2 gas spores 5 monotons (11 created) 7 hobbits 8 manes a large kobold 5 hobgoblins (6 created) 2 giant rats (3 created) 5 cave spiders (7 created) a brown mold a yellow mold (5 created) a green mold (2 created) 66 gnomes (92 created) 6 garter snakes 5 gnome zombies 6 geckos 10 jackals (16 created) a fox 2 kobolds 2 goblins (4 created) 4 sewer rats 13 grid bugs (16 created) 3 bats 6 lichens a clockwork soldier (0 created) a faberge sphere (0 created) 4 kobold zombies 9 newts (11 created) 396 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used no wishes You never paid a shopkeeper to identify an item You never magically identified an item Your skills at the end Fighting Skills riding [Basic] Weapon Skills spear [Expert] Spellcasting Skills (none) Latest messages You kill the rock piercer! [HP+1=69] You see here a rock piercer corpse. i - a rock piercer corpse. Where do you want to travel to? (For instructions type a ?) [HP+1=70] [HP+1=71] [HP+1=72] You see here 33 rocks. You see here 33 rocks. [HP+1=73] There are many objects here. You see here 86 rocks. # What do you want to sacrifice? [iJ or ?*] Your sacrifice is consumed in a burst of flame! You have a hopeful feeling. # Really quit? [yn] (n) Goodbye DarthBane the Nobleman... You quit in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 2 with 35539 points, and 117 pieces of gold, after 18647 moves. Killer: quit You were level 10 with a maximum of 73 hit points when you quit. You didn't beat your previous score of 107431 points. 1 44341634 DarthBane-Ana-Inc-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood. 980 [1266] 2 14331416 Khor-Wiz-Inc-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 3836 [4130] 3 9992888 doyoumind-Ana-Inc-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood. 1282 [1399] *204 107431 DarthBane-Nob-Elf-Mal-Cha died in Chaos Quest on level 19. Killed by a bolt of fire. - [86] * 35539 DarthBane-Nob-Elf-Mal-Cha quit in The Dungeons of Doom on level 2 [max 10]. 73 [73]