mvp, neutral female human Priestess
  ---------------    -----                                                     
  |.............|   #|...|                                                     
  ------.---+----   #--.--#*   *#-.---+-------#    #                           
        ### ################  ###|`.........`|###############                  
                       ###       |.....`.....|#      # ---|-#########          
                         ###     |...-----  .|#      ##.*..|       -.--------- 
                         ###     |...|       |#        |..*|       |.........| 
           ----------------####  |..`|        #        |...|#######-.........| 
           |..............| ##   |...|        #        |...|#    # |.*.>.....| 
           |...............######|...-- --   |%        |...|#   ## ----------- 
           |..............|   ###|.....`.....|)        |...|#                  
           |...............#####%-`.........`|#        -----###                
           ----------------     #-------------#[##############                 

[Mvp the Priestess]          St:18 Dx:13 Co:13 In:10 Wi:18 Ch:12  Neutral
Dungeons of Doom:6  $:152 HP:70(72) Pw:112(150) AC:1  Exp:11 T:14231

Latest messages

Restoring save file...
Hello mvp, the human Priestess, welcome back to UnNetHack!
Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load.
The brown pudding misses.
The brown pudding divides as you hit it!
You kill the brown pudding!
You see here an uncursed brown pudding corpse.
The brown pudding bites!
Your leather hat rots!
You kill the brown pudding!
There is an uncursed brown pudding corpse here; eat it? [ynq] (n)
You have a very bad case of stomach acid.
This brown pudding corpse tastes terrible!
Eating this glibbery corpse makes your fingers very slippery.
Your weapon slips from your hands.
You finish eating the brown pudding corpse.
You have a little trouble lifting a - a blessed +1 mace.
What do you want to drop? [$a-zABD-GI-KM-P or ?*] (2x)
You drop an uncursed sack.
Your movements are now unencumbered.
You begin bashing monsters with your bare hands.
You hit the cockatrice.
You turn to stone...
You die...

Your inventory


a - a blessed +1 mace*


b - a blessed +1 T-shirt (being worn)
g - an uncursed +0 robe (being worn)*
p - a blessed +0 elven cloak
q - an uncursed +0 blue and green shield [elven] (being worn)
r - an uncursed rotted +0 leather hat [elven leather helm] (being worn)
M - a blessed +2 pair of iron shoes (being worn)


d - 8 uncursed food rations
x - an uncursed tripe ration
B - 2 uncursed slime molds
I - 3 uncursed lizard corpses
K - an uncursed cram ration
N - 2 uncursed cloves of garlic*


c - 2 uncursed scrolls called earth [of earth]
y - an uncursed scroll of create monster


o - an uncursed potion of water
v - a blessed squishy potion [of restore ability]
w - an uncursed potion of sleeping
D - a blessed potion of object detection
E - a cursed potion of object detection
J - 2 uncursed potions of object detection


f - an uncursed jade ring [of warning]
j - a blessed [+3] granite ring [of gain constitution]
k - an uncursed opal ring [of fire resistance]
l - an uncursed topaz ring [of hunger]
A - a blessed [+1] ring of adornment


e - an uncursed wand of speed monster [0:4]
m - a blessed balsa wand [of nothing (0:4)]
n - an uncursed wand of teleportation (0:0)
s - an uncursed mithril wand [of cancellation (0:4)]
z - an uncursed wand of polymorph [0:6]


h - 9 uncursed [wax] candles
i - an uncursed skeleton key
t - a blessed tallow candle
F - an uncursed looking glass [mirror]
G - an uncursed [+0] unicorn horn
O - an uncursed blindfold


u - an uncursed blue gem [worthless glass]

Final Attributes

Spells known in the end

cure blindnesshealing47%29%
restore abilityhealing49%56%
extra healinghealing47%58%
slow monsterenchantment61%90%

Vanquished creatures

399 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges

Your skills at the end

Fighting Skills
Weapon Skills
Spellcasting Skills
healing spells[Skilled]
clerical spells[Basic]

Dungeon overview

Game information

Started: 2014-07-25 06:41:29
Ended: 2014-09-28 07:19:49
Play time: PT01:19:21


Goodbye mvp the Priestess...
You turned to stone in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 6 with 30657 points,
and 152 pieces of gold, after 14231 moves.
Killer: cockatrice
You were level 11 with a maximum of 72 hit points when you turned to stone.
You reached the 29th place on the top 100 list.
 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1    1696016  Amnekian-Val-Hum-Fem-Law ascended to
                demigoddess-hood.                                     367 [393]
  2    1452970  Iskenderun-Sam-Hum-Mal-Law defied the Gods and
                escaped the dungeon .                                 196 [276]
  3     971390  gurr-Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood.     94 [138]

 27      43132  gblack-Ran-Orc-Fem-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom
                on level 10 [max 12].  Killed by an air elemental,
                while praying.                                          -  [76]
 28      31696  unnht-Arc-Dwa-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 29.  Disintegrated by a blast of
                disintegration.                                        52  [72]
*29      30657  mvp-Pri-Hum-Fem-Neu turned to stone in The Dungeons            
*               of Doom on level 6 [max 11].  Petrified by a                   
                cockatrice.                                            70  [72]
 30      30075  gblack-Val-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 11.  Killed by an energy vortex.                  - [106]
 31      29576  weirdvic-Mon-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom
                on level 12.  Killed by a lynx.                         -  [79]