fxenakis, lawful male human Priest
       # #                                                                     

[Fxenakis the Adept]         St:16 Dx:10 Co:12 In:11 Wi:18 Ch:9  Lawful
Dungeons of Doom:5  $:0  HP:0(50) Pw:76(76) AC:5  Exp:7 T:4008

Latest messages

The door resists!
The little dog bites!
You hit it.
The little dog bites!
You kill the little dog!
There is an uncursed partly eaten rothe corpse here; eat it? [ynq] (n)
You resume your meal.
You finish eating the rothe corpse.
M - an uncursed steamy potion.
You hit it.
You miss it.
The black naga hatchling bites!
You miss it.
The black naga hatchling bites!
You miss it.
The black naga hatchling bites!
You hit it.
The black naga hatchling misses.
You miss it.
The black naga hatchling bites!
You hit it.
You miss it.
The black naga hatchling misses.
The black naga hatchling bites!
You write "Elbereth" with your fingers into the dust.
The pony kicks!
The pony bites!
You add "Elbereth" with your fingers to the writing in the dust.
The pony kicks!
You die...

Your inventory


a - a blessed +1 mace (weapon in hand)*


c - an uncursed +0 small shield (being worn)*
z - an uncursed +0 pair of hard shoes [iron] (being worn)
T - an uncursed +0 robe (being worn)*


S - an uncursed food ration


M - an uncursed steamy potion [of booze]


J - an uncursed ring of levitation


b - an uncursed bag called holding [of holding]
l - an uncursed key [skeleton key]

Contents of the bag of holding:

Final Attributes

Spells known in the end

remove curseclerical0%80%
cure blindnesshealing19%80%

Vanquished creatures

88 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges

Your skills at the end

Fighting Skills
Weapon Skills
Spellcasting Skills
clerical spells[Basic]

Dungeon overview

Game information

Seed: 307790878
Started: 2015-11-10 20:37:35
Ended: 2015-11-10 21:06:47
Play time: PT00:14:45


Goodbye fxenakis the Priest...
You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 5 with 3054 points,
and 31 pieces of gold, after 4008 moves.
Killer: pony
You were level 7 with a maximum of 50 hit points when you died.
You reached the 33rd place on the top 100 list.
 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1     138998  Vis-Arc-Hum-Mal-Law died in Fort Ludios [max 22]. 
                Killed by a lindworm.                                   - [106]
  2     137886  blub-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 28.  Drowned in a moat by an electric eel.      119 [120]
  3      78931  Savojin-Bar-Orc-Fem-Cha died in The Quest on level 16
                [max 15].  Killed by a troll.                           - [135]
  4      65735  Savojin-Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha died in The Quest on level 14
                [max 12].  Killed by a rock troll.                      - [122]
  5      56892  gurr-Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 13 [max 23].  Killed by a sasquatch.              -  [69]
  6      26360  tourn-Pri-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 7 [max 10].  Killed by a death ray.              72  [72]
  7      25478  AlRaquish-Wiz-Vam-Mal-Cha died in The Quest on level
                17 [max 13].  Killed by a vampire bat.                  -  [78]
  8      21587  gurr-Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha died in Sokoban on level 7
                [max 10].  Killed by an owlbear.                        -  [62]
  9      19549  RCIIIcm-Val-Hum-Fem-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 12.  Killed by a minotaur.                        - [100]
 10      15530  rafael859-Wiz-Vam-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of
                Doom on level 11.  Killed by an air elemental.          -  [67]

 30       4622  blub-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 6.  Killed by a Woodland-elf.                     -  [79]
 31       3516  Gummibjorn-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law died in The Dungeons of
                Doom on level 4.  Killed by a killer bee, while
                praying.                                                -  [64]
 32       3443  RCIIIcm-Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom
                on level 5 [max 6].  Killed by a wolf.                  -  [46]
*33       3054  fxenakis-Pri-Hum-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom          
                on level 5 [max 6].  Killed by a pony.                  -  [50]
 34       3019  rail-Mon-Hum-Mal-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 8 [max 9].  Killed by a jaguar.                   -  [49]
 35       2972  RCIIIcm-Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom
                on level 4.  Killed by a rothe.                         -  [47]
 36       2747  rail-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 5 [max 7].  Killed by a dwarf.                    -  [60]