fxenakis, chaotic male human Monk
                                                       %·· ····         
                                                       ·····  ··         
                                                         ···   ##            
                                                          ·  ···           
                                                           (   ··         
                                                          ···  ·····         
                                                          ·  ····         

[Fxenakis the Initiate]         St:18/02 Dx:12 Co:14 In:9 Wi:8 Ch:15  Chaotic
Gnomish Mines:10 $:136 HP:0(55) Pw:8(46) AC:1  Exp:9 T:4373

Latest messages

You are hit!
The golden haze around you becomes less dense.
The troll shoots an arrow!
The arrow hits it.
What do you want to zap? [gz or ?*]
In what direction?
The wand hits it.
You kill the dwarf!
The wand hits it.
What do you want to zap? [gz or ?*]
In what direction?
The wand misses it.
The troll wields a thonged club!
The troll turns to flee!
What do you want to zap? [gz or ?*]
In what direction?
The wand misses it.
What do you want to zap? [gz or ?*]
Nothing happens.
The wand of striking turns to dust.
The troll wields a broad short sword!
The troll wields a broad pick!
The golden haze around you becomes less dense.
The troll wields a bow!
The gnome puts on a dwarvish iron helm.
You kill the gnome!
You add "Elbereth" with your fingers to the writing in the dust.
The troll hits! (2x)
The troll bites!
You die...

Your inventory


a - an uncursed +2 pair of leather gloves (being worn)*
o - an uncursed rusty +0 orcish helm (being worn)
L - an uncursed +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn)
Z - an uncursed +1 robe (being worn)*


d - 2 uncursed tripe rations
h - 4 uncursed food rations


e - an [uncursed] scroll of teleportation


X - an [uncursed] greasy potion [of full healing]


z - an uncursed wand of teleportation [0:4]


b - an uncursed bag called holding [of holding]
c - a [cursed tallow] candle
f - a [blessed wax] candle
i - an [uncursed tallow] candle
j - an [uncursed] key [skeleton key]
r - an uncursed bag called sack [sack]
w - a blessed [oil] lamp called oil (lit)
A - an uncursed lock pick
Y - an uncursed [+0] pick-axe (alternate weapon; not wielded)

Contents of the bag of holding:

The sack is empty.

Final Attributes

Spells known in the end


Vanquished creatures

218 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges

Your skills at the end

Fighting Skills
martial arts[Skilled]
Weapon Skills
Spellcasting Skills
healing spells[Basic]
clerical spells[Basic]

Dungeon overview

Game information

Seed: 1281902493
Started: 2015-11-08 12:26:15
Ended: 2015-11-08 14:24:09
Play time: PT00:24:42


Punardarsanaya fxenakis the Monk...
You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 10 with 11357 points,
and 1245 pieces of gold, after 4373 moves.
Killer: troll
You were level 9 with a maximum of 55 hit points when you died.
You reached the 14th place on the top 100 list.
 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1     138998  Vis-Arc-Hum-Mal-Law died in Fort Ludios [max 22]. 
                Killed by a lindworm.                                   - [106]
  2      65735  Savojin-Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha died in The Quest on level 14
                [max 12].  Killed by a rock troll.                      - [122]
  3      26360  tourn-Pri-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 7 [max 10].  Killed by a death ray.              72  [72]
  4      25478  AlRaquish-Wiz-Vam-Mal-Cha died in The Quest on level
                17 [max 13].  Killed by a vampire bat.                  -  [78]
  5      21587  gurr-Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha died in Sokoban on level 7
                [max 10].  Killed by an owlbear.                        -  [62]
  6      19549  RCIIIcm-Val-Hum-Fem-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 12.  Killed by a minotaur.                        - [100]
  7      15530  rafael859-Wiz-Vam-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of
                Doom on level 11.  Killed by an air elemental.          -  [67]
  8      15289  Savojin-Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 10.  Killed by a troll, while frozen by a
                monster's gaze.                                         -  [76]
  9      13802  rail-Cav-Dwa-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 15.  Killed by an ettin zombie.                   -  [57]
 10      12406  Savojin-Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 10.  Killed by a minotaur.                        -  [94]
 11      12088  AlRaquish-Wiz-Vam-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of
                Doom on level 9.  Killed by a bugbear.                  - [101]
 12      11789  rafael859-Wiz-Vam-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of
                Doom on level 9.  Killed by a disenchanter.             -  [77]
 13      11713  lance-Cav-Dwa-Fem-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 11 [max 12].  Killed by a vampire lord.           -  [72]
*14      11357  fxenakis-Mon-Hum-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on          
                level 10.  Killed by a troll.                           -  [55]
 15       9740  AlRaquish-Wiz-Vam-Mal-Cha died in Sokoban on level 7
                [max 10].  Killed by a hill orc, while praying.         -  [72]
 16       8615  rail-Val-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 10 [max 11].  Killed by a dagger.                 -  [72]
 17       6931  blub-Pri-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 7 [max 8].  Killed by a ghoul, while frozen by
                a monster's gaze.                                       -  [64]