blub, neutral female human Priestess
- ..-
. ----..
-.- --.....
.. .....
---.......- --
-......>..| --.-----
....G.-- .......|
------..............----------- -- -
| -------..%....G........----------- ----
---- -..|.----
[Blub the Acolyte] St:13 Dx:12 Co:12 In:10 Wi:18 Ch:11 Neutral
Gnomish Mines:6 $:253 HP:0(40) Pw:60(60) AC:7 Exp:5 Wt:505/675 T:1647
Latest messages
You can see again.
You stop waiting.
There is an uncursed gnome corpse {650} here; eat it? [ynq] (n)
This gnome corpse tastes terrible!
You stop eating the gnome corpse.
Unknown command ' '. (2x)
The hobbit wields an uncursed runed dagger {10}!
You kill the hobbit!
m - an uncursed food ration {60}.
Unknown command ' '. (3x)
You hit the dwarf!
The dwarf wields an uncursed broad short sword {30}!
You kill the dwarf!
There are several objects here.
The gnome picks up an uncursed cream pie {10}.
The gnome zaps a silver wand!
The magic missile hits you!
The magic missile bounces!
The gnome zaps a wand of magic missile!
The magic missile hits you!
The magic missile bounces!
The magic missile hits you!
The gnome is killed by the magic missile!
t - an uncursed wand of magic missile {7}.
Unknown command ' '. (2x)
You hit the gnome lord.
The gnome lord hits!
You hit the gnome lord.
The gnome lord hits!
You die...
Your inventory
a - a blessed +1 mace (weapon in hand) {30}*
b - an uncursed +0 robe (being worn) {15}*
c - an uncursed +0 small shield (being worn) {30}*
n - a cursed [-2] pair of walking shoes [low] {10}
e - an uncursed clove of garlic {1}*
f - an uncursed sprig of wolfsbane {1}*
m - 3 uncursed food rations {60}
q - a blessed scroll labeled VERR YED HORRE [of identify] {5}
s - an uncursed stamped scroll [of mail] {5}
g - an uncursed spellbook of create monster {50}*
h - an uncursed spellbook of cure blindness {50}*
i - a blessed spellbook of magic missile {50}
d - 3 potions of holy water {60}*
p - an uncursed orange potion [of speed] {20}
o - an uncursed opal ring [of cold resistance] {3}
t - an uncursed wand of magic missile [0:4] {7}
l - an uncursed credit card {1}
r - an uncursed [+0] pick-axe {100}
j - 3 uncursed orange gems [worthless glass] {3}
k - an uncursed red gem [worthless glass] {1}
Final Attributes
- You were devoutly aligned.
- Hunger level was 383.
- Your alignment was 18 / 18.
- Monster difficulty range was 1 - 5.
- Level difficulty was 6.
- You were lucky (1).
- You are dead.
Spells known in the end
Name | Level | Category | Fail | Memory |
create monster | 2 | clerical | 0% | 92% |
cure blindness | 2 | healing | 25% | 92% |
magic missile | 2 | attack | 32% | 93% |
Vanquished creatures
36 creatures vanquished.
Voluntary challenges
- You used a wielded weapon 44 times.
- You read items or engraved 1 time.
- You put on armor 2 times.
- You never genocided any monsters.
- You never polymorphed an object.
- You never changed form.
- You used no wishes.
- You never engraved Elbereth.
- You never encountered a bones level.
- You never used any Sokoban shortcuts.
Your skills at the end
Fighting Skills |
(none) |
Weapon Skills |
mace | [Basic] |
Spellcasting Skills |
clerical spells | [Basic] |
Dungeon overview
- The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 4
- Level 4:
- many fountains
- Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines
- The Gnomish Mines: levels 5 to 6
- Level 6: <- You were here
Game information
Seed: 4284129707
Started: 2016-10-14 17:18:59
Ended: 2016-10-14 17:25:38
Play time: PT00:04:23
Goodbye blub the Priestess...
You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 6 with 1602 points,
and 253 pieces of gold, after 1647 moves.
Killer: gnome lord
You were level 5 with a maximum of 40 hit points when you died.
1 2416289 mightydog-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to
demigoddess-hood. 508 [657]
2 2105442 tertium-Mon-Hum-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 750 [750]
3 1873670 Zeglect-Sam-Hum-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 247 [271]
99 28568 AlRaquish-Wiz-Vam-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines
on level 12. Killed by an Elvenking, while fainted
from lack of food. - [80]
100 27891 braylor-Kni-Hum-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom
on level 9 [max 13]. Killed by a bolt of lightning. - [73]