blub, lawful female dwarven Valkyrie
                                        #@#d#######   -------                  
                                            #     #   |.....|                  
                                                  ### |.....|                  
                                                    # |.....|                  
                    ---------                       ##-.....|                  
                    |........          |              -.-----                  
 --------           |.......|          |*).-          ###                      
 |......|  #########-.....<..          |               #                       
 |.....)|  #        |.......|                          #                       
 |......|###        ---------                        ###                       
 |.....>.#               #                           #                         
 ---|----#                                         -|----|-                    
    ######                                         |......|                    

[Blub the Stripling]        St:18/02 Dx:12 Co:15 In:8 Wi:9 Ch:10  Lawful
Dungeons of Doom:2  $:188 HP:28(28) Pw:1(1) AC:6  Exp:2 Wt:171/900 T:605

Latest messages

You miss the large kobold.
The large kobold hits!
You kill the large kobold!
Welcome to experience level 2.
The door opens.
61 gold pieces.
You displaced your little dog.
You hear someone cursing shoplifters.
64 gold pieces.
You see here a scroll labeled GARVEN DEH {5}.
h - a scroll labeled GARVEN DEH {5}.
You miss the kobold zombie.
The kobold zombie misses.
You destroy the kobold zombie!
You see here a kobold corpse {400}.
There is a kobold corpse {400} here; eat it? [ynq] (n)
Ulch! That meat was tainted!
You feel deathly sick.
Unknown command ' '.
The newt blocks your way.
You miss the newt.
The newt misses.
You miss the newt.
You kill the newt!
You see here a newt corpse {10}.
You feel clumsy!
You haven't been working on reflexes lately.
Unknown command ' '.
The little dog eats a newt corpse {10}.
You die from your illness.

Your inventory


a - an uncursed +1 long sword (weapon in hand) {40}*
b - an uncursed +0 dagger {10}*


c - an uncursed +3 small shield (being worn) {30}*


d - an uncursed food ration {20}*
e - an [uncursed] orange {2}
g - 3 [uncursed] food rations {60}


h - an [uncursed] scroll labeled GARVEN DEH [of genocide] {5}


f - an [uncursed] blindfold {2}

Final Attributes

You didn't know any spells.

Vanquished creatures

13 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges

Your skills at the end

Fighting Skills
Weapon Skills
long sword[Basic]
Spellcasting Skills

Dungeon overview

Game information

Seed: 2338677601
Started: 2015-11-03 09:42:17
Ended: 2015-11-03 09:44:17
Play time: PT00:01:27


Farvel blub the Valkyrie...
You were poisoned in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 2 with 390 points,
and 188 pieces of gold, after 605 moves.
Killer: rotted kobold corpse
You were level 2 with a maximum of 28 hit points when you were poisoned.
You reached the 39th place on the top 100 list.
 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1     138998  Vis-Arc-Hum-Mal-Law died in Fort Ludios [max 22]. 
                Killed by a lindworm.                                   - [106]
  2      65735  Savojin-Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha died in The Quest on level 14
                [max 12].  Killed by a rock troll.                      - [122]
  3      26360  tourn-Pri-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 7 [max 10].  Killed by a death ray.              72  [72]

 37        488  rail-Pri-Elf-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 3.  Killed by a dwarf.                            -  [31]
 38        417  blub-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law was poisoned in The Dungeons of
                Doom on level 2.  Poisoned by a rotted kobold corpse.  18  [18]
*39        390  blub-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law was poisoned in The Dungeons of           
*               Doom on level 2 [max 3].  Poisoned by a rotted kobold          
                corpse.                                                28  [28]
 40        161  lance-Con-Vam-Fem-Cha starved to death in The
                Dungeons of Doom on level 1.                           11  [11]
 41        120  rail-Hea-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 3.  Killed by a gnome.                            -  [13]