UDwarf, chaotic female vampiric Convict
      -----------      #---------------------------------     # ----------     
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                       #|.............{^.....{..........|#            --..---- 
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                        |.|(((|...|..|.|..=.|....|....|.|             |......| 
                        |.------------.----%-.---------.|             -------- 

[UDwarf the Prisoner]   St:14 Dx:12 Co:18 In:15 Wi:7 Ch:11  Chaotic
Mine Town:5  $:0  HP:62(81) Pw:57(57) AC:10 Xp:10/7406 Wt:129/850 T:5048 Blind

Latest messages

You feel here a panther corpse {600}.
x - a panther corpse {600}.
You try to feel what is lying here on the floor.
You feel here a crude dagger {10}.
A nearby voice intones:
"Pilgrim, you enter a sacred place!"
You experience a strange sense of peace.
Really attack the priestess of Tymora? [yes/no]
You try to feel what is here.
There is an altar to Tymora (chaotic) here.
You feel here an uncursed clear potion {20}.
In what direction?
Never mind.
o: unknown extended command.
In what direction?
o: unknown extended command.
What do you want to sacrifice? [x or ?*]
Your sacrifice is consumed in a burst of flame!
You have a feeling of inadequacy.
Really attack the priestess of Tymora? [yes/no]
You don't have anything to drink.
You try to feel what is here.
There is an altar to Tymora (chaotic) here.
You feel here an uncursed clear potion {20}.
You don't have anything to drink.
Really quit? [yes/no]

Your inventory


w - an [uncursed] wand of cold [0:0] {7}


c - an uncursed towel (being worn) {2}
r - a blessed [+0] grappling hook (weapon in hand) {30}


a - 8 uncursed rocks (in quiver)*
j - an uncursed stone called luck [luckstone]

Final Attributes

Spells known in the end

detect unseendivination97%83%

Vanquished creatures

177 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges

Your skills at the end

Fighting Skills
Weapon Skills
Spellcasting Skills

Dungeon overview

Game information

Started: 2013-11-29 01:15:08
Ended: 2013-11-29 03:14:33
Play time: PT00:17:37


Goodbye UDwarf the Convict...
You quit in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 5 with 11174 points,
and 0 pieces of gold, after 5048 moves.
Killer: quit
You were level 10 with a maximum of 81 hit points when you quit.
Since you were in discover mode, the score list will not be checked.