Khelzihr, neutral male human Wizard
|G@......---.- --....
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[Khelzihr the Conjurer] St:8 Dx:13 Co:15 In:18 Wi:11 Ch:8 Neutral
Gnomish Mines:4 $:320 HP:0(46) Pw:4(54) AC:9 Exp:5 T:1015
Latest messages
You miss the gnome.
The gnome picks up a broad short sword.
You hit the gnome.
You miss the gnome.
The gnome wields a broad short sword!
The broad short sword welds itself to the gnome's hand!
You miss the gnome.
You hit the gnome.
The gnome picks up a hard hat.
The gnome puts on a hard hat.
You miss the gnome.
The grid bug bites!
The kitten eats a gnome lord corpse.
You miss the gnome.
The grid bug bites!
The gnome thrusts his broad short sword.
The gnome hits!
What do you want to write with? [- ac-epvxCD or ?*]
You write with your fingers into the dust.
What do you want to write into the dust here?
The grid bug turns to flee!
What do you want to ready? [- axC or ?*]
x - 6 arrows (in quiver).
What do you want to ready? [- axC or ?*]
C - 4 daggers (in quiver).
In what direction?
The dagger misses the gnome.
The gnome thrusts his broad short sword.
The gnome hits!
You die...
Your inventory
n - an [uncursed] oval amulet [of unchanging]
a - a blessed +1 quarterstaff
v - an [uncursed +0] crude dagger [orcish] (weapon in hand)
x - 6 [uncursed +0] arrows
C - 3 [uncursed +0] daggers (in quiver)
b - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn)
w - a [cursed -3] iron skull cap [orcish helm]
A - an [uncursed +0] hooded cloak [dwarvish]
B - an [uncursed +0] pair of hard shoes [iron]
q - an [uncursed] food ration
i - a blessed scroll of light
j - an uncursed scroll of enchant weapon
k - an uncursed scroll of magic mapping
r - an [uncursed] stamped scroll [of mail]
s - an [uncursed] scroll of light
t - an [uncursed] scroll labeled AQUE BRAGH [of stinking cloud]
l - a blessed spellbook of force bolt
m - an uncursed spellbook of cure sickness
o - an [uncursed] spellbook of force bolt
y - an [uncursed] plaid spellbook [of slow monster]
f - an uncursed potion of extra healing
g - an uncursed potion of sickness
h - an uncursed potion of booze
u - a [blessed] swirly potion [of restore ability]
d - an uncursed ring of see invisible
e - an uncursed +1 ring of gain strength
c - an uncursed wand of magic missile (0:5)
D - a [blessed] mahogany wand [of slow monster (0:5)]
p - an [uncursed] black gem [obsidian]
Final Attributes
- You were devoutly aligned.
- Hunger level was 757.
- Your alignment was 15 / 15.
- Monster difficulty range was 0 - 4.
- Level difficulty was 4.
- You were sleep resistant.
- You were magic-protected.
- Your luck was zero.
- You are dead.
Spells known in the end
Name | Level | Category | Fail |
force bolt | 1 | attack | 0% |
cure sickness | 3 | healing | 85% |
Vanquished creatures
31 creatures vanquished.
Voluntary challenges
- You were an atheist.
- You used a wielded weapon 19 times.
- You read items or engraved 2 times.
- You put on armor 1 time.
- You never genocided any monsters.
- You never polymorphed an object.
- You never changed form.
- You used no wishes.
- You engraved Elbereth 2 times.
- You never encountered a bones level.
Your skills at the end
Fighting Skills |
(none) |
Weapon Skills |
quarterstaff | [Basic] |
Spellcasting Skills |
attack spells | [Basic] |
enchantment spells | [Basic] |
Dungeon overview
- The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 3
- Level 1:
- a fountain
- Level 2:
- a potion shop
- Level 3:
- a potion shop
- Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines
- The Gnomish Mines:
- Level 4: <- You were here
Game information
Started: 2012-06-03 18:39:28
Ended: 2012-06-03 18:49:47
Play time: PT00:04:00
Goodbye Khelzihr the Wizard...
You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 4 with 1086 points,
and 320 pieces of gold, after 1015 moves.
Killer: gnome
You were level 5 with a maximum of 46 hit points when you died.
You reached the 79th place on the top 100 list.
No Points Name Hp [max]
1 1674838 boxo-Con-Orc-Fem-Cha defied the Gods and escaped the
dungeon . 330 [384]
2 1392848 Mortuis-Ran-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 174 [271]
3 1225046 Mortuis-Mon-Hum-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood. 183 [215]
77 1283 federico-Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on
level 4. Killed by a gnome. - [38]
78 1282 BlastHardc-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law died in The Gnomish Mines
on level 6. Killed by a plains centaur. - [56]
*79 1086 Khelzihr-Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on
level 4. Killed by a gnome. - [46]
80 1057 federico-Hea-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on
level 5. Killed by a dwarf king. - [33]
81 1011 federico-Cav-Dwa-Fem-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom
on level 4. Killed by a pony. - [49]