Darkness, chaotic male vampiric Barbarian
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[Darkness the Plunderer] St:18/01 Dx:15 Co:18 In:7 Wi:8 Ch:7 Chaotic
Dungeons of Doom:2 $:75 HP:17(17) Pw:4(4) AC:7 Exp:1 T:1441 Starved
Latest messages
You faint from lack of food.
You regain consciousness.
You faint from lack of food.
You regain consciousness.
You hear some noises.
You faint from lack of food.
You regain consciousness.
You hear some noises.
You faint from lack of food.
You regain consciousness.
Unknown command '^J'.
You faint from lack of food.
The fox bites!
The fox is killed!
You regain consciousness.
Unknown command '^J'.
You faint from lack of food.
You regain consciousness.
You faint from lack of food.
You regain consciousness.
You faint from lack of food.
Idefix bites the kobold.
The kobold is killed!
You regain consciousness.
You faint from lack of food.
You regain consciousness.
You faint from lack of food.
You regain consciousness.
You faint from lack of food.
You die from starvation.
Your inventory
a - an uncursed +0 battle-axe (weapon in hands)
b - an uncursed +0 short sword (alternate weapon; not wielded)
j - an [uncursed +0] arrow
k - an [uncursed +1] arrow
c - an uncursed +0 ring mail (being worn)
e - an [uncursed] lichen corpse
i - an [uncursed] food ration
d - an uncursed potion of vampire blood
Final Attributes
- You were fervently aligned.
- You were poison resistant.
- You were level-drain resistant.
- You could fly.
- You could survive without air.
- You regenerated.
- You are dead.
You didn't know any spells.
Vanquished creatures
20 creatures vanquished.
Voluntary challenges
- You were an atheist.
- You went without food.
- You never genocided any monsters.
- You never polymorphed an object.
- You never changed form.
- You used no wishes.
- You never engraved Elbereth.
Your skills at the end
Fighting Skills |
bare handed combat | [Basic] |
Weapon Skills |
axe | [Basic] |
short sword | [Basic] |
Spellcasting Skills |
(none) |
Dungeon overview
- The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 2
- Level 1:
- many sinks
- Level 2: <- You were here
Game information
Started: 2012-04-03 20:27:52
Ended: 2012-04-03 20:32:24
Play time: PT00:02:00
Goodbye Darkness the Barbarian...
You starved in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 2 with 160 points,
and 75 pieces of gold, after 1441 moves.
Killer: starvation
You were level 1 with a maximum of 17 hit points when you starved.
You reached the 51st place on the top 100 list.
No Points Name Hp [max]
1 488820 Mortuis-Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu was poisoned in Gehennom on
level 40 [max 49]. Poisoned by Demogorgon. 14 [168]
2 120137 Mortuis-Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom
on level 17 [max 22]. Killed by a xorn. - [65]
3 59015 Mortuis-Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu turned to stone in The
Dungeons of Doom on level 13 [max 14]. Petrified by
a cockatrice. 93 [93]
49 231 JaeB-Pri-Elf-Fem-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on
level 2. Killed by a water elemental. - [13]
50 206 Mortuis-Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom
on level 2 [max 3]. Killed by a falling rock. - [10]
*51 160 Darkness-Bar-Vam-Mal-Cha starved to death in The
Dungeons of Doom on level 2. 17 [17]
52 155 timtil-Pri-Hum-Mal-Cha starved to death in The
Dungeons of Doom on level 1. 14 [14]
53 144 charlie-Val-Hum-Mal-Law quit in The Dungeons of Doom
on level 2. 16 [16]