ChrisANG, non-aligned female elven Binder ------ ---- --------- |..... ..| ........| |.. { .------------- -------------. { ..| -. ............------------ ------------............ .- -% ...........---------.....eeeB.. [.- -. ......... k ee@e .- --. eeee: e .-- --. [ ?.-- --. % #ee .-- --. * % # .-- --. e# .-- --. > e^eeF ^ .-- --. ......... #) .-- --. .........l.---------........... )%# .- ---. ..........`.------------ ------------......#....! .- |.. { .------------ ------------- { ..| |.........| |.........| ----------- ----------- ChrisANG the Mathematikoi St:13 Dx:12 Co:16 In:7 Wi:11 Ch:8 Gnostic S:438823 Dlvl:17 $:41 HP:0(117) Pw:108(108) AC:-18 Xp:18/40010 T:30376 Blind Stun Burden Your inventory Weapons C - the +0 Rod of Lordly Might (rapier) (weapon in hand) Armor a - a blessed +0 crystal plate mail (being worn) b - an uncursed +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn) e - a cursed +0 pair of water walking boots q - an uncursed burnt +0 droven cloak (being worn) K - a blessed +1 dwarvish roundshield R - an uncursed +0 helmet (being worn) V - an uncursed +0 pair of gauntlets of dexterity Comestibles g - 2 uncursed apples l - an uncursed C-ration n - an uncursed lizard corpse z - 2 uncursed food rations F - 2 uncursed tripe rations M - an uncursed lizard corpse Scrolls s - an uncursed scroll of teleportation D - an uncursed scroll of teleportation Potions G - a cursed potion of healing Wands m - a wand of fire named -1 (0:6) u - a wand of polymorph (0:5) x - a cursed wand of digging (0:4) Tools d - an uncursed skeleton key t - an uncursed tin whistle w - an uncursed credit card y - a +0 unicorn horn E - a cursed magic whistle I - an uncursed towel X - a cursed skeleton key Gems k - an uncursed touchstone P - an uncursed luckstone Final attributes You were piously aligned Your alignment was 159 You were cold resistant You were sleep resistant You were poison resistant You were level-drain resistant You were magic-protected You were stunned You were blinded You saw invisible You were telepathic You were clairvoyant You had infravision You could teleport You had teleport control You were lucky (3) You had extra luck Bad luck did not time out for you Good luck did not time out for you You are dead You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures a hod sephirah Cerberus a guardian naga a guard an edderkop a nurse 2 maids a frost giant an ettin 2 vampires a ghost an abbot a winged gargoyle 3 giant mimics a doppelganger a legion devil grunt an aoa droplet a wumpus a phase spider 3 stalkers an earth elemental a water elemental a black naga a xorn 5 sergeants 2 wargs 2 winter wolves 4 hell hound pups a small mimic a rodent of unusual size a warhorse a xan a migo worker 2 ettin mummies a sasquatch a gelatinous cube a large dog 7 freezing spheres 8 flaming spheres 6 shocking spheres a large cat a tiger 3 gargoyles a dwarf king 8 tengu 3 ravens a mountain centaur 2 elf mummies a human mummy 2 drow mummies 2 red nagas a pit viper a python 3 ettin zombies 2 leather golems 4 Grey-elves a hedrow warrior 55 soldiers 2 chameleons a crocodile 4 dungeon fern sprouts a giant beetle 2 cockatrices 11 wolves 4 winter wolf cubs 6 quinons a lynx 22 leprechauns 3 giant spiders a scorpion 2 metroids an ice vortex a black light 4 vampire bats 2 gnome kings 12 malkuth sephirahs an orc mummy a dwarf mummy 2 ogres a brown pudding a rust monster 4 owlbears a yeti a drow zombie 2 werewolves 2 Green-elves 2 lizards 3 chickatrices 2 dogs a dingo 4 quatons 3 housecats a jaguar 3 dwarf lords 4 white unicorns 69 crows a plains centaur a baby silver dragon a baby shimmering dragon a baby red dragon a baby white dragon a baby black dragon a gnome mummy 3 snakes 7 apes 23 human zombies a rope golem 4 Woodland-elves a garo 6 soldier ants 6 fire ants 19 tritons 4 bugbears 7 quasits 5 Mordor orcs 11 Uruk-hai a rock piercer 10 enormous rats 2 rock moles 2 ponies 3 fog clouds 5 yellow lights 7 shriekers 5 violet fungi 27 gnome lords 4 gnomish wizards 2 kobold mummies a red naga hatchling 3 gray oozes a barrow wight 5 elf zombies a ghoul 3 straw golems a paper golem 9 giant ants 3 little dogs 5 floating eyes 47 dutons 32 dwarves 12 homunculi 3 kobold lords 3 kobold shamans 13 hill orcs 12 rothes a centipede 3 giant bats a parrot 4 orc zombies 11 dwarf zombies 3 wererats 5 iguanas 12 killer bees 5 acid blobs 2 coyotes 4 gas spores 108 monotons 12 hobbits 16 manes 3 large kobolds 11 hobgoblins 6 giant rats 4 cave spiders a brown mold 3 yellow molds 4 green molds a red mold 92 gnomes 14 garter snakes 8 gnome zombies 12 geckos 34 dungeon fern spores 17 jackals 5 foxes 3 kobolds 7 goblins 3 sewer rats 6 grid bugs 3 bats 7 lichens 8 kobold zombies 7 newts 1126 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used no wishes You never paid a shopkeeper to identify an item You never magically identified an item Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills mace [Basic] Spellcasting Skills divination spells [Basic] clerical spells [Basic] Latest messages The uninjured quinon casts a spell at you! You hear a mumbled curse. The uninjured raven misses. The uninjured raven misses. The uninjured duton touches you! The uninjured duton misses. The uninjured duton touches you! The uninjured duton hits! The uninjured raven misses. The uninjured raven misses. The uninjured raven just misses! The uninjured duton misses. The uninjured duton misses. The uninjured quinon misses. The uninjured quinon misses. The uninjured quinon kicks! The uninjured quinon casts a spell at you! You feel momentarily disoriented. The uninjured raven bites! You die... Goodbye ChrisANG the Binder... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 17 with 438819 points, and 41 pieces of gold, after 30376 moves. Killer: raven, while frozen by a monster's gaze You were level 18 with a maximum of 117 hit points when you died. You made the top ten list! No Points Name Hp [max] 1 1932731950 Adeon-Bin-Clk-Fem-Non died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 3 [max 4]. Overwound by overclocking. 14 [14] 2 10654352 stth-Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood. 1110 [1240] 3 4380163 stth-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law died in Gehennom on level 45. Shot herself with a death ray. 458 [458] 4 675638 stth-Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha choked on his food in The Dungeons of Doom on level 2 [max 26]. Choked on an orange. 305 [305] * 5 438819 ChrisANG-Bin-Elf-Fem-Non died in The Dungeons of Doom * on level 17 [max 19]. Killed by a raven, while frozen by a monster's gaze. - [117] 6 301765 stenno-Val-Hum-Fem-Law died in Chaos Quest on level 26 [max 27]. Killed by a retriever called Warmachine. - [125]