Possessions: Weapons f - a +0 dagger (weapon in hand) (w:10) Armor a - an uncursed rotted +1 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) (w:10) c - an uncursed +0 dwarvish iron helm (being worn) (w:40) e - an uncursed +0 pair of elven boots (being worn) (w:15) d - a blessed greased +3 silver dragon scale mail named _7 (being worn) (w:40) Rings b - an uncursed ring of slow digestion (on right hand) (w:3) h - an uncursed ring of teleport control (w:3) Tools g - a blessed bag of holding (w:190) i - an uncursed lock pick (w:4) j - an uncursed towel (w:2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents of the bag of holding: an uncursed scroll of punishment an uncursed worthless piece of violet glass a magic marker (0:21) a wand of striking (0:1) a wand of secret door detection (0:10) a wand of locking (0:3) an uncursed ring of see invisible an uncursed ring of warning an uncursed ring of fire resistance an uncursed scroll of enchant weapon a blessed spellbook of identify an uncursed wooden flute an uncursed sack a wand of speed monster (0:3) a wand of teleportation (0:5) a wand of sleep (0:4) an uncursed +1 ring of protection an uncursed potion of paralysis an uncursed potion of oil 2 uncursed potions of healing an uncursed potion of extra healing an uncursed spellbook of turn undead an uncursed spellbook of sleep an uncursed spellbook of magic mapping an uncursed spellbook of healing 2 uncursed scrolls of remove curse an uncursed scroll of earth a blessed oil lamp (0:0) a cursed scroll of teleportation 5 blessed scrolls of blank paper a cursed wand of polymorph (0:6) a cursed ring of sustain ability 5 potions of holy water a blessed potion of healing a cursed scroll of teleportation a blessed scroll of earth a blessed +1 quarterstaff 1696 gold pieces ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The sack is empty. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Final attributes: You were piously aligned. You were sleep resistant. You were magic-protected. You were blinded. You had infravision. You were stealthy. You had slower digestion. You were fast. You had reflection. You were very lucky. You survived after being killed once. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Vanquished creatures: a giant mimic a large mimic a small mimic a freezing sphere a flaming sphere a shocking sphere a large cat a tengu a stone giant 2 pythons a leather golem an incubus 2 chameleons 3 giant beetles 2 quivering blobs 2 panthers an orc-captain a mumak 2 giant spiders a black light 7 brown puddings a yeti a lizard a dog a dingo a jaguar 2 dwarf lords a blue jelly 2 dust vortices a raven a plains centaur 4 apes 4 rope golems 3 soldier ants a water nymph 2 mountain nymphs 4 Uruk-hai a rock mole a pony a fog cloud 3 yellow lights 6 gnome lords a kobold mummy 2 red naga hatchlings a guardian naga hatchling a paper golem 2 giant ants 2 little dogs 3 floating eyes a kitten 8 dwarves 21 hill orcs 2 rothes a centipede 2 giant bats 3 monkeys an orc zombie 3 wererats 3 iguanas 10 killer bees 4 acid blobs 2 coyotes a hobbit 3 manes a large kobold a giant rat 4 cave spiders a brown mold a green mold 19 gnomes 6 garter snakes 2 gnome zombies 6 geckos a fox a kobold 2 goblins 2 sewer rats 4 grid bugs 6 bats 5 lichens a kobold zombie 7 newts 223 creatures vanquished. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Voluntary challenges: You went without food. You used a wielded weapon 626 times. You wrote or read 18 times. You drew a magic heptagram 424 times. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used 1 wish. You did not wish for any artifacts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Score breakdown: Gold: 2195 (11101 points) Experience: 10 levels (16713 points) Exploration: 11 levels ( 22.00%) (13553 points) Discoveries: 39 items ( 14.13%) (11277 points) Valuables value: (no points given unless you survive) Artifact value: 0 ( 0 points) Variety of kills: 82 monsters ( 21.47%) (13899 points) Time penalty: 7341 turns (-1875 points) Survival: died (score multiplied by 80%) Total score: 51734 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Goodbye stenno the Wizard... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 11 with 51734 points, and 2195 pieces of gold, after 7341 moves. You were level 10 with a maximum of 68 hit points when you died.